
Connor Doran Top 12 Indoor Kite Flier on NBC’s America’s Got Talent!

Connor auditioned along with 90,000 people and brought indoor kite flying to the world. His skill and love of flying qualified him to the Las Vegas shows, and then back for the Live Wildcard Quarter Finals show, in Los Angeles California. Connor’s world wide support put him in the top 12 of The America’s Got Talent. Connor continues to share his love of kiting with new fliers as well as learning from the masters who have supported him and helped him in his journey in kiting.

Connor is an advocate and supports Epilepsy Awareness and the benefits of both indoor and outdoor kiting. He has teamed up with Amy Doran to develop the Dare To Dream Program that encourages people of all ages to believe in themselves, and embrace their dreams. The Dare To Dream Program also brings Epilepsy Awareness and speaks out to both young and old about bullying. Connor and Amy have teamed up with many foundations to raise funds and awareness for SUDEP (Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy Patients). For information about having the Dare To Dream Program at your school or event please email us directly at for more information.


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