We have been flying fast this past two weeks and from Victoria BC Canada we headed straight to Canon City Colorado for the Create Canon City Balloon Classic!  Four shows at the local schools with the Dare to Dream message being shared with over 1000 students was an amazing experience and we welcome all of them as part of the Dare to Dream Team!

With over 25 people of all ages trying their skills at indoor kite flying for the first time, we hope to see them continue and perhaps fly with us next year!

The Create Canon City Balloon Classic was incredible as always. Seeing our hot air balloon family was even more fun the second time round and we spent the weekend meeting new friends and learning more about the art of ballooning.

A special thank you to the Create Canon City Team for inviting us to be a part of this amazing event. It was well organized, and well thought out to provide a fun event for people from all over the country as well as the welcoming residents of Canon City.

A special Thank you to Spinphony for their incredible concert and allowing us to do a bit of kiting along with their amazing rendition of Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05T97PHcDcg


And now…. We head to Wisconsin June 4th and 5th!